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I dag

TCF Norway Iftar Middag

TCF Norway invitere til iftaar middag til støtte for TCF Viking campus i Kasoor, Midlene vil gÃ¥ til gjenÃ¥pningen av skolen etter pandemi About this event En god barndom danner plattformen for et godt voksenliv! 10.April inviterer TCF Norway til iftaar middag til støtte for TCF Viking campus i Kasoor. Midlene vil gÃ¥ til gjenÃ¥pningen […]


TCF Norway Fundraiser

For an inspirational evening with Ayesha Omer | Zaitoon Karim Founded in 1995, The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is a non-profit organisation committed to addressing this challenge. With a vision of quality education for all, TCF is working around the clock to make education accessible to less-privileged children in Pakistan. We are delighted to announce our […]
