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I dag

TCF Norway Iftar Middag

TCF Norway invitere til iftaar middag til støtte for TCF Viking campus i Kasoor, Midlene vil gå til gjenåpningen av skolen etter pandemi About this event En god barndom danner plattformen for et godt voksenliv! 10.April inviterer TCF Norway til iftaar middag til støtte for TCF Viking campus i Kasoor. Midlene vil gå til gjenåpningen […]


TCF Norway Fundraiser

For an inspirational evening with Ayesha Omer | Zaitoon Karim Founded in 1995, The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is a non-profit organisation committed to addressing this challenge. With a vision of quality education for all, TCF is working around the clock to make education accessible to less-privileged children in Pakistan. We are delighted to announce our […]
